Revision will again be cooperating with the experimental media lab (xm:lab) within the Academy of Fine Arts Saar (HBKsaar) and calls out to all demosceners to submit their artwork for the media facade, a large backprojection screen, covering the entire glass facade of the academy’s gallery building.
So, groups or single artists - please have a look at this out-of-the-ordinary competition and submit new or converted productions. Remote entries are allowed and welcome!
The winners will be chosen by a jury and presented during a short show during Revision.
The three best submissions will be played regularly on the media facade in Saarbrücken and the best one will receive a nice trophy and and invitation to the academy to hold a workshop, do a talk or something similar.
So - for more information - check out the competition page and create something a little different from the usual Demoscene production.
If you're new to the competition you should check out the contributions from 2013, 2015 and 2016 on our YouTube channel.